Swiren Law Firm, P.A.

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Florida Legal Blog

Year: 2020

Reasons a senior may downsize a home

As your parent gets older, you might wonder if your loved one may need to move to a smaller living arrangement. Even if your parent is still in good health, sometimes there are sound reasons for an older person to move to a smaller residence. To consider the long-term...

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Understanding probate in Florida

Probate is a court process administering the distribution of assets belonging to someone who recently passed away. Anything the decedent owned at the time of their death belongs to their estate until the probate process concludes. What property goes through probate?...

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What does elder abuse look like?

Deciding to move your family member to a nursing care facility is often preceded by time and thought. You wish to rely on the facility of your choosing to provide reliable, compassionate care. Concerns of elder abuse could create ongoing stress and leave you feeling...

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What does a funeral trust do?

Paying for a funeral can require some financial acrobatics. When you include the service, embalming, burial plot and other funeral-related expenses, your family might be on the hook for substantially more. According to the Federal Trade Commission, a casket alone can...

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