Can You Avoid Foreclosure?
Are you concerned about foreclosure? If you find yourself behind on your mortgage payments and think that foreclosure may be on the horizon, it is essential that you get in touch with an experienced foreclosure defense attorney as soon as possible.
It is possible to stop the foreclosure from happening if we get on top of the case quickly. Contact us as soon as you receive a foreclosure notice or before, if possible. Even if you think that you are going to receive a notice, get in touch with our firm. The sooner we can intervene, the better.
Below are some of your options regarding foreclosure:
Filing For Bankruptcy
We may be able to help you catch up on mortgage payments through the filing of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This type of bankruptcy involves the reorganization of your debts, allowing you to keep your home and putting an end to the looming foreclosure.
Short Sale
Carried out to prevent foreclosure, a short sale may be completed when a mortgage lender or bank agrees to discount a loan balance due to a mortgagor’s economic hardship. Banks often allow this when it will result in a smaller financial loss than a foreclosure.
Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure
This type of document conveys all of the borrower’s interest in a property to the lender to satisfy a loan that is in default, thus avoiding foreclosure. This is advantageous to the borrower in that the deed releases the borrower from all or most of the debt associated with the loan. For the borrower, financially, the use of the deed is often better than what would have resulted from foreclosure.
We Are Prepared To Protect What Matters To You
At the Orlando law office of Swiren Law Firm, P.A., our lawyers and staff strive to help clients deal with the threat of foreclosure. This can be an overwhelming and emotional time in a client’s life. We are sensitive to the needs of our clients and strive to ease their fears and stress as thoroughly as possible. Our firm is skilled at guiding clients through preventing foreclosure through a variety of means.
Though we are not a firm of tax attorneys, we have handled enough cases to provide you with general advice and information regarding the tax penalties related to bankruptcy and foreclosures.
Contact a foreclosure lawyer today to further discuss your situation with a knowledgeable member of our firm.